Tag Archives: apache2

How To Enable OCI8 on PHP 5.4 and Install Oracle Instant Client on Mac OS X 10.9 Maverick

After upgrading to OS X 10.9 Maverick, i’ve to reinstall PHP library and reconfigure it. Oracle OCI8 is one of PHP libraries which need to be reconfigured.

Today i spend more than 2 hours just to find out how to enable Oracle OCI8 in PHP 5.4.24. So I post it here just in case i have to reconfigure it again, i don’t have to feel the pain again.

Lets Start!

  1. Download Oracle Client Library from http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/topics/intel-macsoft-096467.html
    You have to download 3 files:

    After downloading 3 files above, you have to extract instantclient-basic and instantclient-plus zip files into one folder, for example in “/Applications/instantclient”. And then create folder named “sdk” inside that folder, and extract instantclient-sdk into it.  And then add symbolic link using this command in Terminal:

    ln -s libclntsh.dylib.11.1 libclntsh.dylib

    Oracle Instant Client folder

    Oracle Instant Client folder (click picture to enlarge).

  2. Download oci8 tar PECL package from http://pecl.php.net/package/oci8
    After downloading package from pecl, extract it anywhere you like. And then open “Terminal” and go to that folder. Then run commands below.

    ./configure --with-oci8=shared,instantclient,/Applications/instantclient
    sudo make install

    Edit “/Applications/instantclient/” to the path where you extract Oracle Instant Client (point 1).

  3. Edit Apache plist file on /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.apache.httpd.plist
    Open Apache plist using text editor and then find Environment Key section. Add DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH key and your Oracle Instant Client folder as value.

    Editing Apache plist File

    Editing Apache plist File

  4. Open your /Users/yourusername/.bash_profile file using text editor, then add “export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/Applications/instantclient/” (without quotes) at the end of file.
  5. Edit your php.ini and add “extension=oci8.so”
  6. Open terminal, and run this command : sudo apachectl restart
  7. Done! Open PHP Info

    oci8 has been installed

    oci8 has been installed


If you still not getting it to work, check Sarah’s comment below.

Install Apache2 dan Enable Mod Rewrite di Opensuse

Saya baru saja bedol sistem operasi dari Windows XP Home SP3, ke OpenSUSE 11.1. Dan tentu saja saya harus menginstall sofware-software yang mendukung aktifitas saya. Diantaranya adalah Apache2 untuk server localhost pada laptop saya. Instalasi berjalan dengan normal dari YaST. Saya install dari Repo Kambing(http://kambing.ui.edu). Yang lebih terpercaya daripada repo UGM.:D

Setelah proses installasi, tentunya service harus dienable dulu. Segera YaST->System->System Service(Run Level). Kemudian cari apache2. Kemudian di Enable.

Setelah itu, proses konfigurasi pun dimulai. Konfigurasi apache2 yang terinstall di laptop saya hanya diseting seperlunya saja. Asal bisa jalan sesuai yang saya inginkan. Konfigurasi yang saya lakukan antara lain:

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