Installing Gammu on Windows or major Linux distribution is very easy. There is binary distribution for it. But on Mac OS X it can make a little pain for end user like me. 😀
I use gammu 1.28. I was try some other newer version of gammu, but cannot compile it. You have to compile it using cmake( You can install cmake using binary distribution(dmg) or using brew.
You can read full tutorial installing gammu in here, complete with error solving. But i did not found error on installing gammu and i dont have to recompile it to use with MySQL.
saya juga pakai gamu, tapi gak pernah kepakai,, nitanya sih mau buat smsan biar cepet, tp sim card yang ada di modem pake flash (gak pernah ada sisa pulsa), kalo mau ganti simcard ntar gak bisa ngenet,,waduhhhh…..
ini saya juga cuma buat expriment saja.. karena sedang butuh intefacing gammu via web app.. 🙂