
Saya baru mempunyai rekening tabungan beberapa tahun yang lalu. Mungkin sudah bisa dibilang terlambat dibandingkan dengan yang lainnya. Aktifitas perbankan saya pun hanya gitu-gitu saja, hanya berbekal kartu ATM. Buku tabungan saya hanya tercetak setoran awal saja. 😀

Dan akhirnya beberapa waktu terakhir ini terasa semakin membutuhkan perbankan untuk berbagai aktifitas. Saya pun mulai mengamati berbagai tawaran pelayanan perbankan dari bank-bank yang ada di Indonesia ini.

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PHP Framework Behind Indonesian News Website

I want to know what is php framework behind Indonesian News Website. Popular news website must be have heavy traffic. So they have to use optimal framework to serve users.

I try to make an error in URL , so the framework will print out an unique error.


Kompas using CodeIgniter. Maybe version < 1.7.2, because version > 1.7.2 have different view in this error message.


2. using PHPFuse.

3. using CodeIgniter. Maybe same version with Kompas.

4. using CodeIgniter. Maybe higher version than 1.7.2.

5. using CodeIgniter.


More Information about CodeIgniter.

More Information about FusePHP.


Browsers Interface

Major Browsers's User Interface

Major Browsers's User Interface

Click picture to zoom in.

From the top: Opera 11, Mozilla Firefox 4, Google Chrome 10.

User interface of major browsers is similar. 🙂

Have you try Internet Explorer 9 yet? Maybe it similar too.

Make Your Own URL Shortener

There are so many URL Shortener since Twitter became popular. The 140 character limitation makes a nightmare when someone want to share a long URL. So URL Shortener has been a solution. Twitter also have URL Shortener name

So, there are two option when you want to have your own URL Shortener, write it from scratch or just use (and or modify) open source URL Shortener out there. There are so many open source URL Shortener. And i’m using YOURLS.

The hardest part is searching for a short domain which is available. 😀

So, this is my URL Shortener: (spelled TEMBEMS or maybe same meaning with chubby in english.. err…CMIIW). But it’s not public. 🙂


Multiple Argument in CodeIgniter’ s Form Validation Callback

CodeIgniter have a powerful form validation class out of the box. We also can create our validation method using a callback. By default, “callback” just accept 1 argument. I didn’t found in user guide, how to make callback accept more than 1 argument.

But, after doing little googling i found a way to do it. For example:

$val->set_rules('field', 'Field Name', "trim|xss_clean|required|callback__example_callback[{$argument}]")

function _example_callback($default_argument, $argument) {


See the bold text. Done. 🙂


From wikipedia, general is a four-star general officer rank. And in an “invisible world”, general mean an income level. 4 stars mean 4 digit USD income, more than $1000 in a month.



Yesterday, i met someone who has been reach general level. But he didn’t tell me his real income. It can be $1001 – $9999. He share about his journey until reach it. More than USD $1000 is come from his laptop. And i was surprised, his income is from internet. He make an business model which i never think about it before. He said that ‘general’ is just 2% from his goal.

Now, i just three-star. And when will i can get five-star? or six-star? or seven-star? even infinite-star?